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For the Parents

We take seriously the trust you have placed in us to help you in educating your child. This page is full of helpful information and links that we hope will make your day easier.  We want to help you understand our processes so you can better come alongside us as we work together to train your child into a Godly adult.

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Arriving at School

Arriving at school on time starts the day off at a fun safe pace. Classes begin promptly at 8:00 AM. Students should arrive in time to be inside their classroom prior to 8:00 AM.


Please see below for specific details about where and when each grade should be dropped off when arriving at school. 

Kindergarten Students go directly to the K-4/K-5 building drop-off begins at 7:15 AM – 7:50 AM there will be a teacher at the gate to help the students. 7:50 AM – 8:00 AM students will need to be dropped off at the gate and go to class. 8:00 AM – students arriving late must be accompanied to the office to be signed in. During inclement weather, students may be dropped off under the awning beside the main building prior to 8:00 AM. After 8:00 AM, students will need to be accompanied to the office to be signed in.

1st - 3rd Grade Students supervised care begins in the Lunchroom as follows: 7:15 AM – 7:45 AM drop off in front of the gymnasium and go to the lunchroom. 7:45 AM – 8:00 AM drop off on the sidewalk at the gate closest to the main office. During inclement weather, students may be dropped off under the awning beside the main building. 8:00 AM – students arriving late must be accompanied to the office to be signed in.

Grades 4th – 8th go directly to the gymnasium building beginning at             7:15 AM – 7:45 AM drop off in front of the gymnasium and go to the lunchroom.             7:45 AM – 8:00 AM drop off in front of the gymnasium and go to class.             8:00 AM – students arriving late must be accompanied to the office to be signed in. No change during inclement weather.

For additional information, please see our School  Handbook on the Forms page.

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Dress Code

An individual’s personal appearance reflects his/her character. Dress for the Christian should be in keeping with the principle of modesty, neatness, and the God-given distinctiveness of the sexes. Students that deviate from our dress code will be identified by a classroom teacher or staff member. The student is required to come into compliance with the code. If the code violation cannot be fixed immediately (like putting on a sweater or jacket), the time missed from class will be unexcused. If you have a question regarding dress code issues, please check with the administrator or office staff before making a decision. NLCA's complete Student Appearance guidelines are available in the School Handbook on our Forms page.

Dress Code
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Local restaurants cater in lunches to our students each week day beginning the first full week of school. 

Lunch orders must be completed and returned with payment to the office by close of business on Thursday to order for the next week. Sorry, we cannot accept late orders. 

If a student is absent on a day they ordered, it is the parent's responsibility to contact the school office by 8:30 AM to cancel the order. Orders which are not cancelled by the parent by 8:30 AM will not be issued a refund. 

You can find a current Lunch Menu on our Forms Page.


Aftercare Program

Our aftercare program is an opportunity for extended care from 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM for enrolled NLCA students.

If your family is interested in enrolling in this program, please contact our office for pricing and availability.


Chapel Services

Our desire is to see each and every student come to a closer walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Every effort is made to enrich the student’s life by having special music, ministers, evangelists, missionaries, and drama teams from our area, state and other parts of the world. Students also have an opportunity for ministry in these services.

Chapel services are held every other Wednesday beginning in September. Check the current calendar on the Forms page for specific chapel dates. All NLCA students attend chapel for their age group and bring their Bibles to chapel services.


For your convenience, we have placed important and frequently used documents in one easy to locate place on the website. Go to our Forms page for access to these documents. 

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Our school is accredited through the National Private Schools Accreditation Group.  In the fall of 2022, we began the process of adding three additional accreditations: 

  • Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS)

  • National Council for Private School

  • Cognia (formerly known as SACS). 

Safety Procedures

New Life collaborates with Millbrook Police Department and their SWAT team.  They review our Emergency Procedures plans and update our teachers during in-service sessions. We train our teachers on safety and emergency procedures in both the summer and winter in-service sessions.  On the first day of school, we train our students on our safety and emergency procedures.  Additionally, we practice scenarios at least once a month with the entire school that includes the office, our staff, our teachers, and our students.  At the next teachers’ monthly meeting, we debrief our responses and discuss ways to improve our procedures.

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